My name is Amanda and welcome to my blog! I created this as an outlet for healthy recipe creation while searching for a sustainable and balanced life. Follow my journey and together we can encourage and cheer each other on!

Coconut Sugar Candied Brie
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Coconut Sugar Candied Brie

This is hands down my favorite dessert and one of my favorite things to eat period. The creamy buttery brie, which is lightly sweetened with a coconut sugar crust, begs to be eaten with juicy fresh fruit and warm bread. It’s the perfect balance of flavors and textures in one bite. A wonderful addition to your next charcuterie board. 

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Teriyaki Style Grilled Chicken
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Teriyaki Style Grilled Chicken

I used coconut sugar and a little bit of honey as the sweetener for a sweet and savory marinade and sauce. The sauce creates a flavorful teriyaki style glaze that is sticky when applied to the chicken still on the grill. Serve with some rice and vegetables as a delicious dinner or make teriyaki chicken skewers and serve as an appetizer at your next event. Adult and kid approved!

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Shrimp Ceviche
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Shrimp Ceviche

Meaty chunks of shrimp paired with sliced cherry tomatoes, jalapeños and creamy avocado. Healthy, fresh and bursting with citrus flavor, this ceviche is incredibly simple to make and has beautiful color. It’s the perfect appetizer to bring to that summer picnic.

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Cilantro Feta Turkey Meatballs
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Cilantro Feta Turkey Meatballs

These turkey meatballs are flavorful yet so simple to make with just a few ingredients including my homemade creamy cilantro lemon dressing. An added bonus of using the creamy dressing in the meatball filling is that it makes the meatballs juicy and keeps them from drying out. Serve them as an appetizer with the same dressing for dipping, or coat them in your favorite sauce and pair with pasta and a side of veggies for a complete meal!.

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Creamy Cilantro Lemon Dressing
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Creamy Cilantro Lemon Dressing

Made creamy with protein packed Greek yogurt, this versatile dressing is perfect to for salad or as a sandwich spread. The bold flavors of lemon, cilantro and garlic make this great as a marinade and can even be brushed on salmon before baking! Use it as a healthy condiment for turkey burgers or as a creamy bright dressing for a pasta salad. Having this simple nutritious dressing on hand is a great way to add tons of flavor fast to any dish.

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Maple Cinnamon Granola
Breakfast Amanda Townsend Breakfast Amanda Townsend

Maple Cinnamon Granola

Packed with whole grains, antioxidants, and omega 3 fatty acids; this gluten free granola is nourishing and energizing! Puffed millet gives a super crispy texture like a healthy version of rice krispies, while real maple syrup and cinnamon gives this granola a slight sweetness perfect to top your yogurt or smoothie bowl.

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Banana Carrot Cake Muffins
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Banana Carrot Cake Muffins

Carrot cake and banana bread merge for this nutritious muffin that is packed with quality ingredients. Soft, chewy and crunchy make this such a satisfying breakfast with just a touch of sweetness and warm spices also making this a great anytime sweet treat.

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Cottage Pie with Sweet Potatoes
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Cottage Pie with Sweet Potatoes

It’s getting cold outside which means cozy comfort food season is here. Cottage pie, or Shepherd's pie, is one of the top comfort foods in my opinion. Cottage pie is just Shepherd's pie, but with beef instead of lamb, both being delicious! I swapped white potatoes out for sweet potatoes to add a lower GI starch and I love the bright orange color it adds to this dish. This hearty meal kept me full and satisfied for hours while leaving me feeling energized and nourished.

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