Hi, Iā€™m Amanda Townsend - Welcome to my blog!

A little bit about me:

I live in Ann Arbor Michigan, my favorite place in Michigan, with my husband and three cats. Food is my passion which is why I went to Culinary school and have been working with food ever since! My favorite thing to do is travel and food is usually the focal point. Bringing back new and inspiring ideas to incorporate in my own cooking is always the goal. I am fortunate to work in a field that allows me to be creative and nutrition focused. I have PCOS ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and I had a thyroidectomy in 2020 so I am no stranger to hormonal imbalance and the struggles with weight, cravings, and nutrition absorption that come with it. My main focus in recipe creation is balanced and nutritious meals including desserts. Loving delicious and satisfying food should not mean an unhealthy life; I am looking to prove this to by achieving my health goals while avoiding over restriction and instead embracing balance. Thank you so much for coming to my blog and I hope the recipes that help me with my journey can also help you with yours.

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