My name is Amanda and welcome to my blog! I created this as an outlet for healthy recipe creation while searching for a sustainable and balanced life. Follow my journey and together we can encourage and cheer each other on!

Butterscotch Brownies GF
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Butterscotch Brownies GF

A gluten-free and refined sugar-free spin on one of my grandmother’s pantry-staple desserts. This recipe is so easy and seemingly magical since it requires such simple ingredients, none of which are butterscotch; However, they always impress with a chewy texture and flavor that lives up to their name.

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Blueberry Lemon Coffee Cake
Breakfast Amanda Townsend Breakfast Amanda Townsend

Blueberry Lemon Coffee Cake

Gluten Free and full of nutrient dense ingredients this satiating cake goes perfectly with your morning coffee and will keep you fueled for hours. Blueberries and lemon are a perfect match for the summer and combine those flavors with almond and vanilla to make for a decadent breakfast or dessert.

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Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake

Cheese cake and pumpkin pie combines for this decadent holiday treat! The crust is made from my gluten free graham crackers keeping this entire dessert gluten free and refined sugar free. This cheesecake is several layers of flavor with a cheesecake layer, a pumpkin pie cheesecake layer and finished with a maple whipped topping. I recommend making this simple recipe the day before serving as it needs at least 8 hours of refrigeration time.

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Gluten Free Graham Crackers
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Gluten Free Graham Crackers

So easy to make and they taste surprisingly just like store bought graham crackers! It’s all about the toasted oat and cinnamon flavor for these crispy and crumbly treats. Have these as a snack or blend them up to make a graham cracker crust for cheesecake, yum!

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