My name is Amanda and welcome to my blog! I created this as an outlet for healthy recipe creation while searching for a sustainable and balanced life. Follow my journey and together we can encourage and cheer each other on!

Cottage Pie with Sweet Potatoes
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Cottage Pie with Sweet Potatoes

It’s getting cold outside which means cozy comfort food season is here. Cottage pie, or Shepherd's pie, is one of the top comfort foods in my opinion. Cottage pie is just Shepherd's pie, but with beef instead of lamb, both being delicious! I swapped white potatoes out for sweet potatoes to add a lower GI starch and I love the bright orange color it adds to this dish. This hearty meal kept me full and satisfied for hours while leaving me feeling energized and nourished.

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Chicken Enchiladas
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Chicken Enchiladas

Made with corn tortillas to keep them Gluten-Free and loaded with chili pepper flavor! These enchiladas have been a friend and family favorite. Definitely a crowd pleaser!

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Salsa Canning
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Salsa Canning

This is my favorite way to preserve tomatoes and peppers grown over the summer. I have yet to find a quality store bought salsa without any added sugar and homemade salsa is so easy to make in large batches so it can be enjoyed anytime!

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 Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake
Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend Sweet Treats Amanda Townsend

Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

Caramel made from coconut sugar and butter coats fresh apple slices as they bake underneath a warm cinnamon spiced cake batter. The caramel apple topping is revealed when you flip this cake over while it’s still hot for a fun presentation!

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Vegan Chili
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Vegan Chili

Smokey vegan chili packed with veggies and green chili powder from New Mexico giving it a spicy edge.

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