My name is Amanda and welcome to my blog! I created this as an outlet for healthy recipe creation while searching for a sustainable and balanced life. Follow my journey and together we can encourage and cheer each other on!

Cilantro Feta Turkey Meatballs
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Cilantro Feta Turkey Meatballs

These turkey meatballs are flavorful yet so simple to make with just a few ingredients including my homemade creamy cilantro lemon dressing. An added bonus of using the creamy dressing in the meatball filling is that it makes the meatballs juicy and keeps them from drying out. Serve them as an appetizer with the same dressing for dipping, or coat them in your favorite sauce and pair with pasta and a side of veggies for a complete meal!.

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Kabocha Squash Gnocchi with Pea Arugula Pesto
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Kabocha Squash Gnocchi with Pea Arugula Pesto

Pillowy soft gnocchi packed with vitamin A, vitamin C and Magnesium from Kabocha squash, also know as the Japanese pumpkin squash. This delicate gnocchi is paired with lemony pesto made with peas, greens, and fresh herbs resulting in a delightfully bright and nutritious dish!

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Chicken Enchiladas
Savory Amanda Townsend Savory Amanda Townsend

Chicken Enchiladas

Made with corn tortillas to keep them Gluten-Free and loaded with chili pepper flavor! These enchiladas have been a friend and family favorite. Definitely a crowd pleaser!

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