My name is Amanda and welcome to my blog! I created this as an outlet for healthy recipe creation while searching for a sustainable and balanced life. Follow my journey and together we can encourage and cheer each other on!

Crunchy Malt Cereal (Grape Nuts)
Breakfast Amanda Townsend Breakfast Amanda Townsend

Crunchy Malt Cereal (Grape Nuts)

If you love Grape Nuts, then this recipe is for you! Making this cereal from scratch allows you to control the size and texture so it turns out perfect! The malted barley flavor is so delicious on top of yogurt and gives that crunchy granola texture we all crave. You could enjoy as a cereal paired with your favorite milk, but I think it would be more fun as an ice cream topping! Malted crunchy sundaes… yes please!

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